DADAMACHINIMA explores tactics of emergent gameplay, disrupted modes of interactivity, and brute-force hacks of contemporary (video)game interfaces and environments.
The exhibition is compiled by moddr_ , WORM 's experimental media lab, and will be presented at PLANETART Medialab/Artspace - Wibautstraat 150 in Amsterdam.
opening on Thursday 18th of December, 20.00 ++ afterparty till late..
performances by Poppekastkrakers, Krach Bar, Electrolust, Computadora and Pornologic !
entrance free
opening hours:
thu-fri-sat :: 14h-17h
please consult the website for opening hours during holidays
The will be present as well in DADAMACHINIMA, with a sharp selection. Expect some interesting books and magazines on (media) art and theory, DVDs, CDs and LPs with video art, film, documentaries and freaky music.
►►►►► please browse through the work on show in the sidebar ►►►►►►
Aram Bartholl - First Person Shooter
The term first-person shooter refers to an independent computer game genre whose main characteristic is that it is played in the first-person perspective, with shooting as the main action of the game.
In the project First Person Shooter, the arm holding the weapon of the video game Counter-Strike (Valve 1999) is transferred into physical space. The project consists of a postcard that is also a do-it-yourself kit. Players who cut and glue all of the parts of the card together receive a pair of glasses bearing the arm with the weapon. These graphic objects, adapted from the game Counter-Strike, are visible both from within and from outside the glasses.
Julian Oliver - Trapped Rocket
"Julian has long held a ‘fascination with multiple viewports’, for both the ‘visual compositional possibilities and for the divided object/subjecthood’, and explores these to great effect within ‘Trapped Rocket’(2006), which built a ‘prison’ out of six virtual cameras, containing an aggressive rocket trying to get out. Together all six cameras form an inward facing cube, jailing the rocket as it toils trying new trajectories indefinitely." - Jean Poole
Ludic Society - Objets Célibataires/ New Bachelor Machines (Selection)
Expérience PCB boards as “objet de jeu, de vie et d'art” stand for emotionally charged game (re)search. The parenthetically Fibonacci spiraled layouts of most of their conducting paths become a design element, an aesthetic merit, and cause potential glitches, which are merely empowered by flexible resistors, which can be played like a guitar!
Marc van Elburg - |pongmachine|
The classic pong tennisgame can be seen as a slow-motional representation of what happens in a bipolar-feedback-oscillator. The sound flip-flops hysterically and with a high level of unpredictability between the two poles(hi/lo) The controls introduce the possibility to change the dynamics of the oscillator and generate a sense of manipulating the forces of nature.
Joan Leandre - *In the Name of Kernel!...* - Song of the Iron Bird
"The Dr Strangelove of computing, Leandre loves the bomb and knows its mechanisms well enough to transform them instantly into the workings of a multi-layered ambiguous narrative, esoteric and seductive at the same time. This is what we can see in his latest project, In the Name of Kernel (2006 - ongoing). The kernel, the heart of every operating system, becomes the myth around which coagulates a symbolic event combining travel literature, the alchemy tradition and science fiction, terrorism and conspiracy theories, programming and mountaineering, 3D modelling and satellite mapping, hallucinations and revelations. A high definition metaphor for those who love the clear air of the high peaks." - Domenico Quaranta
Walter Langelaar - nOtbOt
nOtbOt is an automated game-player which is controlled and deranged by reactions to it's own virtual environment, caught in a vicious force-feedback loop...
The installation consists of a hacked up human-computer interface in which the feedback system, originally intended to provide tangible interaction for a human player, is now used as input data to control a 'first-person' videogame. Human interaction with the game/controller becomes obsolete, resulting in a completely erratic form of [art]ificial intelligence.
The observer of the installation, however, can literally try to 'get a grip' on taking control of the system...
JODI - Composite Club 2.0++
JODI, or, are unanimously considered pioneers of new media art. It is a collective of two artists: Joan Heemskerk (the Netherlands) and Dirk Paesmans (Belgium). Their background is in photography and video art; and in the mid-1990s they were the first to create Internet based artworks. In more recent works, they modified video games such as Wolfenstein 3D, Quake, Jet Set Willy, and Max Payne 2.
Composite Club 2.0++ is an installation involving Playstation camera games triggered by prerecorded video clips; a hack of the popular Eyetoy games which creates a whole new context for this type of interactivity.
Paul B. Davis - Five In One ; Fantasy Cutscenes #2
Hand modified hacked Super Mario Brothers cartridge video installation/animation. One in a series which reimagine the use of faux-cinematic "cutscenes" in video games.
The hacked multicarts used in the project often had four or five different games on one cartridge and echoing this, Davis is presenting five different works on one machine. Fittingly these pirated works are not all by Davis hand, as he loots excerpts from other BEIGE collective hacks, questioning authorship in the already grey area of software as readymade.
Gordan Savicic - Insert Coin / Chakramat
The Chakramat is the first digital Chakra Refurbishing Machine worldwide. In order to experience genuine sensation, firstly an appealing picture must be chosen and both hands placed on top of the two Chakramat buzzers. This image is transmitted as pulsated electronic current via the user's body from left towards the right hand. Since human body skin is able to conduct electricity, the data stream is traversing all way through the seven chakra centers, while the user stays attached to the machine.
(Komplexitätsbewährung im neoliberalen Kontext )
Gottfried Haider - Hidden in Plain Sight
Hidden in Plain Sight is a meditation on the nature of computer programming.
While a compiler's task is to turn abstract/immortal instructions into a structure that can be executed by the machine, it is essential to view the compiler as a result of such a process itself - thus being determined by its ancestors and source code, both most likely being imperfect.
Here, a compiler compiles itself in a perpetual motion. Each generation then turns a (modified) version of the Quake III source code into an executable file and runs it.
Friedrich Kirschner - guest curator/director Machinima FilmFest
The Machinima Festival is the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences‘ annual event showcasing Machinima works, producers and technologies. Founded in 2002, the event has grown from its humble beginnings as an unofficial adjunct to the 2002 QuakeCon in Mesquite, Texas to the definitive Machinima event held in New York City.
Friedrich Kirschner, director of the Machinima Filmfest, compiled a special DADAMACHINIMA selection for the exhibition at PLANETART.

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